Adam DrakeIntro Some time ago I made TinySite and I wrote an article about building the Biggest Smallest Website. As part of that work, I also built CompressTest in order to provide some insight on size of data post-compression for a few of the compress methods in the Go standard library.
Those services were running on EC2 instances via Elastic Beanstalk, and while the cost wasn’t great, I have other side projects which, like those, require few resources and therefore result in EC2 instances which are mostly idling. Ditto for the Elastic Load Balancers which are part and parcel of an Elastic Beanstalk setup. That money is wasted, and in the case of CompressTest, since it is CPU-intensive, I had to have the setup in Elastic Beanstalk such that it could auto-scale in the event that the site ends up on Hacker News or another aggregator which results in high traffic loads. What I wanted was a system that didn’t really cost anything if it wasn’t being used, but that could scale up at a moment’s notice to whatever load happened to come in.
read more Adam DrakeWriting the job description Ahh, the job description. It is the face of your company on job search sites. It sets the tone for all the rest of the hiring process that follows. It has the power to make or break your hiring success. It’s a shame they’re so often badly written.
A good job description isn’t so different from a bad one. Mostly, it just has some of the letters in different places. Both types try to achieve the same goals: to describe the position and attract candidates to apply. There are a few key areas in which good job descriptions differ from bad ones:
read more Adam DrakeIntroduction I was surfing the web and, as is often the case, I stumbled upon a cool project: the FastestWebsiteEver. It’s “the greatest website to ever fit in a single TCP packet.”
I had a think about that for a minute, and checked out the actual site, and noticed that it’s approximately 1130 bytes transferred. Now depending on how fresh you are on your OSI Model, you might remember that there are 7 layers. The data that fits into a single transmissable unit in one layer may be too big for one of the other layers to transmit as a single unit, resulting in fragmentation and reassembly. I thought 1130 bytes sounded rather large for something guaranteed to fit into a single packet (although 1500 bytes is standard MTU for Ethernet), so I decided it might be fun to dig up the old RFCs and have a look at what the TCP and IP specifications say.
read more Adam DrakeNote: This is post which I co-authord with Don Gossman and is cross-posted to the Ocean Protocol site.
We are putting together a blog series that tackles the lowly subject of enterprise transformation. Of particular importance will be data decentralization and how it will drastically change the way in which we interact and leverage data assets in the not-too-distant future (teaser: see Ocean Protocol). Simple topic, we know.
In this first post, we will focus on the pitfalls of centralizing and consolidating IT capabilities, and what alternatives exist.
read more Adam DrakeFiltering for better tech In a previous article, we discussed a redesigned hiring process based on generating inbound demand coupled with effective automated filters. Ensuring that this process is streamlined requires further filters that determine the quality of your candidates with minimum friction at each step from application to employment. In this post, we’ll talk a bit more about the steps in that filtering process, how to design them, and what to consider along the way.
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